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Wednesday, April 1, 2009

♥ What Type Of Necrosis is this!

1:52 AM

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

today i over slept... When my alarm clock rang at 7.20am, my unconscious being (the brain in my hands) switched it off. The next thing that happened was that i had a dream that i was traveling with my mum in a dodgy location. In my dream i needed to go to the toilet, but the place was so dark and unsafe, and there were 2 men staring at us so i was very scared to go pee. then we came across this female cubical that is 'secured' i.e. when you go in, it's steel doors will auto lock and no one can go in and harm you. so when i went into the toilet, there was somehow a queen-sized bed in there too.
I know... i might have underlying insecurities about peeing.. and this is not the first scary toilet dream i've had.

anyways... as i was contemplating going to pee, i woke up into reality and stared at my clock... it was freaking 8.20am!! I panicked.. but managed to change and stuff a breakfast bar into my bag by 8.35, and left the house EARLIER than what i would have on normal days -.-

But anyways.. i'm in the computer lab now... bored from studying mammary glands. Guess i should resume studying again.

5:40 PM

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Marching Bands of Manhattan cover from William Beckett Jr. on Vimeo.

SWEET... i wanna learn this on guitar

Played with rabbit intestines today.. it rhythmically contracted and relaxed on it's own... pretty cool. just imagine your intestines undulating automatically even when you cut it out from your body!

6:11 AM

Saturday, March 14, 2009

♥ Lights Will Guide You Home

My contribution to your daily visual food. SOUND RELIEF SYDNEY

Even if you hate coldplay, you must watch this vid OMG.... Not only is the song AWESOME and sweet, CHRIS MARTIN (SEXY) runs into the crowd and a whole bunch of moshind ppl run after him and grabs him. lucky people... awesome fella... i would have gone crazy and fainted :)

3:53 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009

♥ Lucky To Be Coming Home Someday

I wanna change my blog address real soon, and i have a few ideas for new blog names. But i though that i should myself off mybrain-explained first.

2nd week of school just ended today.. and already it feels like it has been months. And so many people are feeling drained (RIGHT?!) During the first week i was very diligent, keeping my post/pre-lecture studying up to date, but when 2nd week started, everything started piling up, not only because my brain is already dead by the last lecture... but also because there's just wayyyyyyywayway too much to read (RIGHT?!) Next week we have 5 FIVE F I V E practicals.. plus Regional Anatomy of the Dog (RAD) dissection the following week, which is the hardest to prepare for caz we dont even have anatomy of the head lectures so it's down to SELF LEARNING... what do they pay the anatomy lecturers for man.

BTW why can't i change my font size on blogger... i feel like i'm going blind, the words are so small.

I like to celebrate birthdays, but the hardest part is buying the presents (RIGHT?!). Surprises are nice, but it's much better getting someone something they really want. Then again if you openly state what you want for your birthday, does that make you demanding?? Shouldn't they person spending the money be allowed to choose what they buy for you? (i suggest a wishlist then) WHY AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT THIS.

Random: Went to Chilli padi with Mae, Avril, Gezziebooboo (her real name), Chingy, Vivien today. I LOVE THE GINGER TEA! Before that went to shop for my bro's bday present. He won't read my blog, so it's quite safe. I bought him a gift card. It's not like i didn't put in effort to buy him an actual physical gift. It's that i couldn't find one... the fantabulously(it's a word) awesome SHIRTS SHIRTSSSS i wanted to buy him had no size. So it's really not fated right. Hopefully he spends the gift card. I have a feeling it'll sit in his room and collect dust for a while. Myabe i should show him the card then keep it and buy him when i find something nice. Hate buying stuff for men.

Oh man i'm actually blogging.

Shower time :)

4:40 AM

Monday, January 19, 2009

♥ Hey Monday

My holiday so far in a few words:

Worked with frogs

Visited Tokyo

Shaved rocky

Got our car smashed!


1:24 AM

Monday, January 12, 2009

♥ Toast Indeed


I'm probably the worst blogger in the world. I almost NEVER...well actually never update at all (though I changed my blogskin for fun). Everyone should give the constant bloggers a pat on the back for being diligent.

Anyways, i thought I’d give a quick update on things.

So Gezziebooboo came down from her native island called Malaysia, and more specifically her kampong called PJ (right?), so that we could do slave labour at a place called Jurong frog farm.

ALSO! For the first time, all of us (almost) were present to celebrate the 20th birthday of the very special Chingy at Esplanade and Raffles City. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

After which, it was a rather long week at the frog farm, which for me was okay. The other farms we’ve been to was more fun, but this was quite interesting as well. And gezzel got to try soya bean ice cream from Mr. Bean. She claims that she doesn’t like soya bean milk (you do now!) but she enjoyed the ice cream, and everybody else should go try it.

I totally missed the tattoo convention, thanks to work, and I didn’t get to see Chris Graver whose pic I saw in the papers today, and he was really cute ): sorry mei.

So that’s it for now, see you in a week’s time (:

1:58 AM

♥ theGrumpyToast ;

      theGrumpyToast is very grumpy. Beware, this toast bites.

      Yi Lin
      Melb Uni Vet Sci

    * Anisah
    * Gezzel
    * Ginny
    * Hazirah
    * Jacq
    * Rui Xi
    * Xiu Ling
    * Yi Ching

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